Friday, April 27, 2012

Justice or Vengeance

This Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman issue gets more ridiculous by the day.
The story as I know it is this, Zimmerman followed Martin ,who was on his way to the store, because he fit the profile of kids that have been conducting illegal activities in the neighborhood (young and black, yes there was some profiling involved). There was a confrontation, my guess is that Zimmerman started the confrontation, at some point the verbal confrontation turned into a fight where Martin got the upper hand and was on top of Zimmerman beating him. At this point, Zimmerman pulled his weapon and shot Martin. A very tragic and all together preventable ending to a young life.

There was an initial investigation where Zimmerman was cleared of all charges by the local police force. This is when the media got involved,(my guess is because it was good for ratings) and a national outrage caused a second investigation that quickly turned in a charge of second degree murder. Leaders of the black community have taken a tragic event and have used it to divide the country along racial lines, again. 20 years after the Rodney King verdict and the LA riots, leaders of the black community are stoking the fires of racism yet again. Enter AL Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson and the New Black Panther Party.

The New Black Panthers have put a bounty on Zimmerman worth $10,000. (I want to ask the DOJ where this investigation is at?) A simple search on Twitter shows how many people are bent on getting revenge not on getting justice. @YunSav919 posted “FUCK GEORGE ZIMMERMAN!!! SOMEBODY BOUND TO MURK THAT ASS CUHH,” I’m not up on the twitter slang but I’m pretty sure this is not an invitation to dinner. @thekenmarigroup posted “Twitter lynch mob: George Zimmerman is out on bail? Let’s kill him…”, @KushAndCharlie posted, “Imma Kill George Zimmerman Bruh.. And See How His FaMily like It. #Tizzle”, and @Its_Trenee_o07 posted “So If I Go Kill George Zimmerman & Say he Attacked Me I Only fet About 4 Days Of Jail..?? Welp Whoo Tryna Go To Florida Eith Mee..??” Some of this I would imagine is hyperbole but there have already been revenge attacks and there will be more with people inciting this type of hate and violence.

Hate, not justice, is the overwhelming response to George Zimmerman getting out on bail. Someone getting out on bail on a second-degree murder charge in not an uncommon event at all and it is not just because he shot a black guy. It is part of the system get over it.

My biggest problem is that the public forced the hand of the investigators to file charges. What do people really believe the outcome is going to be? Will Zimmerman get a fair trial or will it will be another Casey Anthony verdict, not guilty because of lack of evidence and a prosecutor over charging. Then will there be another LA Riot?

Don’t get me wrong if Zimmerman acted recklessly, and it can be proved in court, he needs to be punished and punished at the max extent of the law. However, so do the people who are putting up bounties and threatening to kill him. Assault, murder for hire, and inciting riots are serious charges and people who commit these crimes should be charged.

We as a nation should be worried about Justice and not Vengeance.