Thursday, January 30, 2014

Are military members just props for politicians?

While I was watching the State of the Union, I was thinking what I could post about today on the blog. I was all set to write about presidents and their desire/ability to bypass congress and change laws with signing statements and executive orders.  This has been the norm for the last five presidents however, the current president was the one who campaigned on breaking the chain of executive orders and signing statements.  But this topic will have to wait for another day.

Just another prop?
Just as I started to outline the blog post on executive orders I saw something that just upset and bewildered me. The use of Army Ranger Sergeant Cory Remsburg as a political prop is one of the most disgraceful parts of this SOTU address. All presidents have pointed to the hero in the balcony for the last 30 years, but I find it most terrible that this is done with not only a uniformed service member but also one that was terribly injured and maimed by fighting in a war.

The SOTU is not an annual report on the state of the Union as a whole. It has become a platform for the President to put forth his partisan plan for the year and then attack the opposition for not helping and for being a villain. The State of the Union has turned into a partisan campaign tool for the party that has control of the executive branch.  For those who do not know military members are not allowed to attend or participate in any partisan political rally and they are not allowed to go to any type of political rally in uniform. Yet the President has this member attend in his uniform and uses him as a political prop. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate the attention that this soldier is receiving and he deserves every single bit of it for the sacrifices that he has made on behalf of his country.  However, this does not change the fact that presidents have for many years have allowed members to break this rule when it is in the president’s best interest to do so. If in the next election cycle a military member attends a political rally in uniform or volunteers to work for a campaign and it gets back to his superiors I can guarantee that that member will be punished and possibly kicked out of the military.  Military members have their freedom of speech silenced in order to maintain good order and discipline within the military it is not right to then use service members to propel the presidents partisan message.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I'm Back

      I know I have been gone for a long time and for that please accept my most sincere apologizes. A few of the reasons why I have been away for so long is I recently decided to leave my job of 16 years and I have been placing most of my energy in finishing up my master’s degree, and developing new skill sets.

But boy have I missed a lot of things in the news lately; we missed the entire fiasco with the government shutdown. Did the Repubs, and the TEA Party shut down the government or was it due to the fact that the President refused to negotiate on any of his policies.  We are now having record cold snaps here in the United States and I know that this has renewed the talk of global warming and that no matter how cold it is it is because the earth is warming by man made carbon usage, this is one topic that I do not want to get into on this blog.

I chose today to come back, and I have been debating it for a very long time, I needed to find a good point in which to come back. The State of the Union seems to me to be the most logical spot to start writing again; a new political year and a new year on the blog.

Things that I am looking for tonight:
1.     Will the president tout the withdraw of troops from Afghanistan as a victory or is he just sticking with his own timeline. Are we abandoning the citizens of Afghanistan and improving the conditions for the Taliban to take back control of the country? How is the state of the female in Afghanistan?
2.     As we have seen in the last few weeks, there is going to be a big push to talk about income inequality and how everyone should all get the same results from the same amount of efforts. This is what he calls “leveling the playing filed.”
3.     The third big issue he will cover is his actions that he took today, because that is the only reason he would sign and executive order on the day of the SOTU, the raising of the federal minimum wage for federal employees. I believe he will try to explain why he took this action and blaming it on the Republicans in the House. ( I will have much more to say about this in the future.)
So please watch and enjoy the SOTU address and it will surely bring about many new topics of discussion for the year to come.