Friday, May 10, 2013

Fun Times Friday, IRS Drops a Bombshell.

WOW is all that I can say.

An enforcement branch of the United States government, admitting that it was persecuting citizens and organizations based solely on their political beliefs. This is very unsettling news that just so happened to come out on a Friday, anyone out there think that was an accident? The IRS admits it was targeting conservative groups who had used the names of “tea party” or “patriot” in their applicants for tax-exempt status.

This does not come as a shock to me, and I would assume that it wouldn’t to anyone else either. I would imagine that the IRS would use its abilities to find out dirt on people and give that information then to the ruling party. Oh wait that should never happen in a free country. The federal government is listening to your phone calls, reading your emails (don’t mention Jihad, Muslim, terrorist, Christian, God, tea party or patriot, Benghazi cover-up, NRA, or that you may be a combat veteran), but now the government actually admitted to applying undue pressure to groups who are opposed to the sitting Administration. WOW

However, what should anger everyone is the response that we received today (Friday). The head of the IRS branch that deals with tax exempt status-Really we couldn’t bring someone with a little more prestige out in front of the media like the HEAD of the IRS??- tells everyone that it was an isolated incident from the Cincinnati IRS branch office. Low level career officials were the ones who made the decisions to use the terms “tea party” and “patriot” to request more information on applications that contained those terms. How can a few low level employees have that much power? And here is the kicker, the use of those two terms was not considered to have a political motive.  I understand that “high level” officials don’t have a whole lot of respect for the American people, or apparently the Constitution, and laws of the land, but how dumb do they think we are, this was 100% percent politically motivated.  Cause a few less ads, to come out against your political views and you may stop a few votes here or there. Was this enough to change the outcome of the election; probably not but there is no way of proving either side of that argument. This is a story you would think you would see come out of China or the former Soviet Union the not United States. I can’t wait to see what comes out of this during the congressional investigations. Do these emails and communications fall under executive privilege, like the ones from Fast and Furious? There should be some lengthy prison time in the future for someone.

Also in an organization as large as the IRS isn’t the head of the Tax Exempt Branch considered a low level employee? Just saying.

The head of the IRS Tax Exempt Branch??

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