Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How does the AG STILL have a Job?

Did this man lie under oath?
So what does it take to get fired in Big Government today? If you run the IRS, at least temporarily, and you are set to leave your post in a month, then you may be asked to resign when your organization targets people based on political and religious beliefs that run counter to that of the ruling party.  Oh yeah, and all of this started before you took office, then you might get fired. Or maybe if your firing helps out the ruling party as was the case with the IRS and its former acting director Steven Miller, by firing Mr. Miller and effectively ending his public service career the ruling party can be seen to somewhat distance themselves from the IRS scandal.  Because, as Americans, we are too dumb to see through this blatant political attempt of deflection of blame.
However, if you are the Attorney General, you can continue a program that runs guns illegally into Mexico, lose track of the guns, and eventually those guns kill an American border guard. Then you target a reporter with a subpoena of his phone records during an investigation of a security leak and to skirt any First Amendment issues, you know the one that says something about a free press, you label the reporter as a co-conspirator but this is ok because he works for Fox News. Then, once again, you target reporters, this time from the AP, in another security leak investigation.
Then you can go into Congress and not give accurate testimony and refuse Congressional attempts to have your office produce documents, as is required by the Constitution. You then call a the behavior of a sitting member of Congress “unacceptable and it is shameful” because he is trying to pin down your story 
Eric Holder will be brought back in front of Congress in the next couple of weeks to account for not only his roles in these scandals but to account for his previous accounting before Congress. This man MUST lose his job and should be indicted for perjury to Congress if it can be proven that he mislead or lied while under oath.
This will not happen because he has some strange type of hold on the President. I wonder just what dirt he has that is keeping him from losing his job. Lord knows that if this were a Republican administration the AG would be out on the street i.e. Alberto Gonzales and there would be cries from the media for impeachment for willful violation of the First Amendment rights of all Americans as well as the use of a federal agency to intimidate your opponents.  I guess Anita Dunn’s isn’t the only person in the Presidents circle who admires Mao.

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